An Adventurous Summer to Remember

Summer should be fun, and so should education.

Learning and Growing in the Summer Sun

Our summer camps focus on learning in a fun way! In past camps we have learned about the world, inventions, plants, scientific inquiry, weather, space, and engineering.

Learning and Growing in the Summer Sun

Our summer camps focus on learning in a fun way! In past camps we have learned about the world, inventions, plants, scientific inquiry, weather, space, and engineering.

Never Stop Learning!

The return to school in the fall semester can be a shock to the system. However, summer camp combats that harsh effect by letting children learn all summer long!

During summer camp, students keep learning all summer long in fun and engaging ways making the transition to the next school year seamless and limit learning loss.

Expand Their Interests

Summer camp is a great time to learn and expand interests through new adventures each week. There is always something new to experience including fun excursions.

Changing themes allow students to explore something new and exciting every week!

Meet New Friends

During their time in our program, your child will do so much more than learn. They’ll develop more empathy, and discover how to connect with other students. We recognize that children need support as they develop both academically, and social-emotionally.

Many kids miss the connections they make during the school year. Our program helps bridge the social gap between school years.

Find or Start a Program Near You

Our network of partnered schools and organizations are all throughout the United States. However, we're always excited to meet new friends and add to the family!

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Fill This Summer With Fun and Meaningful Learning Opportunities

Our programs are designed to let kids be kids while helping them develop important skills. Capture your students’ interests and give them the opportunity to grow in a new and innovative way.

Start Your Adventure

Partner with Innovation Leaning or enroll in one of our programs.

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